Friday, May 21, 2010


We weren't sure how she was going to handle it. There were some tears. We were worried for a while. In the end she handled it like a big girl. Yes, Mommy was ok after I skinned my knees for the first time. I was happy i got 2 Dora Band-Aids (where's my residual? otherwise i will called them bandages). This occured right after the iris pictures happened.The first of many!

I am turning all sorts of Diva. I demand icepops after dinner. I must pick out the colors for not only me but Mommy and Daddy too. I also demand Mommy cutes the plastice after every ince is eaten to make it easier for me to eat them. Yes the terrible twos are here...wait, I am only 19 months old....just you all wait! Yes, I know I can get away with it cuz I am cute!

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