Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 5, Bermuda Zoo and St George

Today was my trip to the Zoo! Mommy dressed me in my turtle outfit in honor of going to visit the animals. So we jumped on the little boat that was parked next to our very big boat. Here is me and mommy on the ferry. Mommy was very careful to not let me go anywhere near the sides of the small boat.
We had to go to a place called Hamilton. From there we needed to catch a bus to go to the zoo. Noone knew where they were going. They weren't listening to me. I really need to learn to talk.

Then we caught the bus and I fell asleep as usual. It's a good thing that I slept while on the bus or I might have been scarred for life. Those drivers are crazy! I was too tired to wake up when we got there.
So Mommy and Daddy and my Grampies saw the aquarium part. I finally woke up in time to play with my ankle bracelet and see the zoo.
Along the way I met this lady who was in the Bird cage. She was funny and made me laugh. That was the best part of the zoo. I like zoos because they have funny ladies in cages there.

After the zoo, we went to St Georges. Mommy couldn't take any pictures really because I was in her arms the whole time. We had lunch and I made friends with the waitress. She wanted to take me home with her. I like Bermuda so I considered staying but Daddy said no. We fed our leftover fish lunch to some fish in the nearby water. Something about that just doesn't seem right, but it was fun to watch.

This is the only picture my parents took in St George. Cheap if you ask me.


Devany's Mommy said...

Great Blog entry! So classy and cleaver!

bathmate said...

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i like your posting ,this is the better blog.